You are an intern at the totally no evil company, Inhuman Resources. One day you are invited to the basement for a special project. The next thing you know, your a ghost, and you can possess living creatures. Can you solve your murder? What will you do when you find out who did it?

Prepare to Move (Spectre)E (Held)
Aim Movement (Spectre)Mouse
Shoot (Spectre)E (Release)
Move Possessed LifeformWASD
Read Note/Use LiftQ

Team MemberRoleDiscord
Jonathan CarterProgrammerJ,#4800
Meriel GreenArtist (Characters, Props, Enviroment assets)Vit#6003
Stuart HoneymanMusic & SFXStu#9458
James StormerArtist (Background & Main Building)James Stormer#1712

Source code on Github:

Note from dev team: yea we overscoped on this project so the final result is a little rushed, game jams hey.... Though our main focus was the story xD. We hope you enjoy our little game and all had a great time working on your own games for this jam. We look foward to seeing your games as well. Good luck all.

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